I took some anatomical liberties for this one, and I absolutely love it.

Jessy pinched her nose but still couldn’t escape the spoiled meat smell wafting from the pack on her back. She stood at the threshold of her front door, a gray-green night threatening storms, threatening dragons, and it was her night to run through the town as bait.
After curfew, everyone stayed home. Only a few children were allowed to roam, all with packs of rotting meat in hopes to lead a dragon into a magical trap.
Silence permeated the small town as she started her jog. Maybe she could find another kid. They never announced who would be next. You just got the magic summons at dusk.
Just as Jessy’s legs started to burn, a flapping of wings overhead sent her sprinting. Her heart raced in her chest as she scrambled for shelter. A stream of fire acted as a warning.
The closest magic trap was one street over. Jessy darted into the unlocked bookshop and dashed for the back door. The dragon roared behind her, ripping apart the wooden building. Out the back door Jessy flew, breathing heavily as she sprinted the final few meters.
Tingles shot through her legs as she crossed into the magic. She kept going, drawing the dragon in, then stepped out, finally turning to see the monster.
The dragon was a brilliant blue, seething as it thrashed against the magic cage. A strange pouch rustled on its underbelly, and a small head popped out.
Jessy had caught a mother.

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