by Cherise Papa | Jul 13, 2023 | Fantasy, Flash Fiction, Paranormal
I’m excited to present this week’s flash fiction! Purple mist edged into the blackness of my vision, creeping in until it swirled around me and tickled my whiskers. So this is what death was like. I’d never been particularly fussed about the...
by Cherise Papa | Jul 5, 2023 | Flash Fiction, Paranormal
I hope you enjoy today’s short story! Lucas rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at the blank document, interrupted only by a notification box in the bottom corner with a stream of messages from his editor. The manuscript was six months past due, and he...
by Cherise Papa | Jul 2, 2023 | Flash Fiction, Paranormal
Introducing the flash for Wednesday, June 21, 2023! “Please, let me stay longer,” a boy begged his stern aunt. She pursed her lips, glancing at the last straggler to leave the cemetery. Mist curled in from the lake beyond the winter barren trees, and...
by Cherise Papa | Jun 16, 2023 | Fantasy, Flash Fiction, Paranormal
Here’s my story for the Wednesday prompt on May 31, 2023. I watched the parade safely tucked away in my shop through nearly-closed drapes. The doors were shut tight, my gas lamp burning so low I could barely see my plants and wares. No one knew I was here,...
by Cherise Papa | Jun 16, 2023 | Flash Fiction, Paranormal, Romance
I really struggled with this prompt, and I wrote four different flash fiction for it. Only two were okay, and I couldn’t decide between them. So now you get both! Introducing story one for the prompt for Wednesday, May 24, 2023! Juliette picked at the black...
by Cherise Papa | May 24, 2023 | Flash Fiction, Horror, Paranormal
Introducing my short story for last week’s prompt! Six decomposing bodies danced on the cement slabs Amelia stored them on. Their arms swayed disjointedly to the symphonic soundtrack playing from her computer speakers, and their hips tried to sway back and forth...