The elderly woman swept through her small home, adjusting knickknacks here and straightening her old wedding photo one last time. “James, be sure to keep this place safe while I’m gone.”

She stared at her wedding photo, taking note of her husband. They looked so young, barely adults just out of college nearly fifty years ago. Her fingers trailed along her husband’s smile, and a twinge of guilt cut through her heart. 

“If only I could stay a little longer,” she whispered to her husband’s photo. “But Jeremy is determined I’m too old to be on my own anymore.”

She scoffed. Sam didn’t know shit. She’d never been alone in the house, and just because her adult son thought she needed care didn’t mean she actually needed anything. All she wanted was to be with the love of her life once more. 

Her time would come soon, and they’d finally have eternity once more. They hadn’t departed when her husband had died, and she didn’t plan to leave him now.

She sighed and retreated from the wedding photo. The front room’s window curtain shivered despite no breeze, and the woman knew James was listening.

“It won’t be long. A nursing home can’t keep me for too long.”

The curtain shivered again, and she grinned.

“No, I suspect we’ll be together sooner. Wait just a little longer for me, my love.”

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