Moonlight sparkled on the cresting waves behind us as we sped across the dark lake, away from the smoke billowing in the forest depths. I pulled my legs to my chest, resting my chin on my knees as my hair turned into small whips against my face in the wind. 

Thankfully, the bounce of the boat as it plowed through waves kept my thoughts from the carnage we were escaping. 

There was something numbing about how the boat cut through the water, the waves parting behind it and warring against those that belonged to the wind’s power. Each rise and fall of the boat rocked my heart into calm, and soon the adrenaline rush began to fade.

“Nearly there,” my grandfather grunted at the steering wheel behind me. The boat wasn’t large, just a tad bigger than a fishing boat, but size didn’t matter tonight. Only speed. 

Beyond the helm stretched the dark lake, and at the edge of the horizon were a few lights. 


A splash, larger than the sound of crashing waves, pulled my attention back to the boat’s wake. My breath caught, and I dropped my legs, opting to cling to my seat. I leaned forward, squinting, before deciding my eyes were playing tricks on me.

A dark snout erupted from the waves. Before I could even blink, a long, scaled body emerged from the lake’s depths. Water splattered the boat as a roar ruptured through the windy night.

Another dragon. “Nearly there” wasn’t close enough.

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